“The failure of dieting is that it promotes weight stigma by not recognizing that people come in all sizes and shapes and that each individual is worthy just as they are.”

Evelyn Tribole, Intuitive Eating: A Revolutionary Program That Works

Services & prices

Currently accepting 1:1 clients in Arkansas and Texas

  • During this 15 minute phone call, we’ll discuss what you’re looking for and see if I’m the right fit for your needs.

  • This is a required first step where we will explore relevant medical and nutrition history and discuss goals. This session lasts up to 75 minutes.

  • A single, 50 minute 1:1 virtual visit. These may be booked any time as needed after the initial assessment.

  • 75 minute initial assessment plus 5, 50 minute followup sessions. 24/7 access to food/mood and lifestyle journals with feedback, private chat with me between visits.

    Total package price - $810

    Payment plan available

  • 75 minute initial assessment plus 11, 50 minute followup sessions. 24/7 access to food/mood and lifestyle journals with feedback, private chat with me between visits.

    Total package price - $1500

    Payment plan available

Mealtime SOS ebook

Imagine this: It’s 4:30 pm and you’ve just gotten home from picking up your 2 older children from school. They’re wound up, demanding snacks, and you can’t put your toddler down. You are overstimulated and exhausted, but you know that you need to get dinner done STAT. You’re praying that your kids will eat what you’re spending all this time and energy cooking, but you’re expecting a dinner table fight.

You want to serve healthy meals because you care that your children are eating a well-balanced and nutritious diet that will help them thrive, but all they seem to want is the same old beige food over and over again. If simply reading that filled you with dread, then this workbook might be for you. Specifically, I hope this resource is valuable to busy parents of young children who struggle with picky eating, and who are trying to raise children in a diet-culture free environment.

In this workbook you will find:

  • Quick and easy strategies to try TODAY to encourage children to try new foods

  • Space to reflect on what is already working well and celebrate those wins

  • Answers to questions about what is “normal” vs something more serious related to picky eating

  • Quick recipes the whole family will enjoy